Code of Business Conduct

Every Metabolic entity and employee must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. Where there is a difference between a legal requirement and our Code of Business Conduct or Compliance Policies we must always apply the higher standard.

At Metabolic, we are committed to providing a safe working environment where there is respect and equal opportunity for all, including our recruitment, training and career development processes. We respect the human rights of our employees as set out in fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation, including the right to freedom of association. We are committed to providing fair remuneration and working hours, with a healthy work-life balance.

We will not tolerate Violence Against Women, Gender Based Violence, Bullying, Mental Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Violence, Discrimination or any form of forced, Bonded or Child Labour. We welcome diversity and encourage open communication and dialogue between employees and managers, a key part of our entrepreneurial spirit.